Pineapple Itches
Have you ever wondered why your mouth feels itchy after eating too much pineapple? Pineapple is a delicious and nutritious fruit that can be enjoyed in many ways. But it also has some hidden secrets that can make your mouth uncomfortable. In this blog post, I will explain why pineapple causes an itching sensation in your mouth and what you can do to prevent it.
Pineapple is not a single fruit, but a collection of many individual fruits that grow together on a tropical plant called Ananas comosus. Each fruit has a near-hexagonal shape and a spiny skin that covers a juicy and sweet pulp. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B complex, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals that are good for your health.
A jar of Durkee meat tenderizer containing bromelain |
But pineapple also contains a special enzyme called bromelain, which is mostly found in the inedible stalk of the fruit. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme, which means it can break down proteins. This is useful for tenderizing meat or digesting food, but it can also cause trouble for your mouth. When you eat pineapple, bromelain stays on your tongue and mouth and starts to attack the proteins in your mucous membranes and muscles. This irritates the nerve endings and makes you feel an itching or tingling sensation.
Another reason why pineapple can make your mouth itchy is because of the tiny spiny fibers that are present on the surface of the fruit. These fibers are like eyelashes that protect the fruit from insects and animals. When you cut the pineapple, some of these fibers may get mixed with the pulp and enter your mouth when you eat it. These fibers can prick your tongue and mouth and cause discomfort.
So how can you enjoy pineapple without suffering from an itchy mouth? Here are some tips:
- Cut the pineapple carefully and remove as much of the stalk and skin as possible. You can also use a pineapple corer or slicer to make this easier.
- Rinse the pineapple under cold water before eating it. This can help wash away some of the bromelain and spiny fibers.
- Cook the pineapple or eat it with other foods. Cooking can deactivate bromelain and make it less effective. Eating pineapple with other foods can also dilute its effect and protect your mouth from direct contact.
- Drink some milk or yogurt after eating pineapple. Dairy products can neutralize bromelain and soothe your mouth.
- Avoid eating too much pineapple at once. Moderation is key to prevent overexposure to bromelain and spiny fibers.
Pineapple is a wonderful fruit that has many benefits for your health and taste buds. But it can also cause an itching sensation in your mouth if you eat too much of it or don't prepare it properly. By following these tips, you can enjoy pineapple without any discomfort and have a happy mouth.
good to know.